MIP-52: Aptos Gas Pool

  • Description: Introduces implementation specification for the Gas Pool in Aptos.
  • Authors: Liam Monninger
  • Reviewer: Andreas Penzkofer
  • Desiderata: MD-38


We propose a means of implementing a Gas Pool in Aptos to satisfy the token recirculation requirements indicated in MD-38. This solution will allow for gas used to be stored in the pool. The re-use of said gas is not a subject of this MIP. However, MIP-44, MIP-41, et al. provide suggestions to this end.


The introduction of a Gas Pool in Aptos will allow for the recirculation of gas used in the Aptos ecosystem. This ensures the supply can remain fixed and the gas can be re-used for purposes such as rewarding.


Aptos pays gas in the epilogue of a transaction dispatching to epilogue_gas_payer. Depending on the validator reward setting, epilogue_gas_payer will either call transaction_fee::collect_fee or transaction_fee::burn_fee.

At the time of writing the transaction_fee::collect_fee path is still experimental.

transaction_fee::burn_fee internally calls coin::burn_from which can be replaced with a transfer.

We thus suggest two paths to implement the Gas Pool in Aptos:

  • Custom Rewards Collection
  • Burn Replacement

Custom Rewards Collection

The custom rewards collection approach replaces Aptos’ experimental transaction_fee::collect_fee with a custom rewards collection mechanism. This mechanism calls coin::transfer_from to move the gas to the Gas Pool at a known address.

Coin burning logic can be kept in place and a similar features-based approach can be used to determine ensure the transaction_fee::collect_fee approach is used.

Burn Replacement

The burn replacement approach replaces the coin::burn_from call in transaction_fee::burn_fee with a coin::transfer_from call to the Gas Pool.



  • Verify that the AptosVM does not validate burns. Otherwise, there may be logic outside of the framework epilogue_gas_payer path which needs to be updated.
  • Identify any sponsorship or other gas payment mechanisms which may need to be updated to use the Gas Pool.

