MIP-61: Relayer in the lock/mint bridge - Algorithm and Bootstrapping

  • Description: This MIP describes the process for continuous operation as well as the bootstrapping of the relayer in the lock/mint bridge.
  • Authors: Andreas Penzkofer, Phillipe


We describe an algorithm that

  • Continuously checks for initiate_transfer events on the source chain.
  • Issues a complete_transfer transaction on the target chain if not done so far.
  • Checks the completion of transfers on the target chain.
  • Records the source chain block height, below which all transfers are completed on the target chain.
  • Provides a bootstrap algorithm for the relayer.

In this algorithm the target chain contract offers a complete_transfer function that records transfer by nonce and protects against re-issuance as any nonce can be only mapped to one transfer.


We would like to minimize the number of trusted components. In a minimal solution the relayer should only trust the source chain, the target chain and itself. Other trusted sources can be proposed optionally, but ideally no other trust assumptions should be utilized.

Several complications:

  • The complete_transfer message to the target chain for bridge transfers may fail, get lost, or other. Hence we cannot rely on delivery.
  • The relayer may loose local memory.
  • The relayer may have to be replaced.
  • The relayer (or its replacement) MUST not ignore a single transfer.
  • The relayer (or its replacement) MUST deliver eventually all transfers.
  • The finality criteria on the source chain and target chain MUST be considered.

Bootstrapping Currently, when the relayer starts, it doesn’t reload the state that it has when it shuts down. If transfers are processed when the relayer stops, the transfers are lost and the relayer is not able to continue the transfer.

Moreover, even if the data would be stored on where to continue, the relayer may crash for a variety of reasons. The relayer can go offline or crash. It needs to automatically understand which complete_transfer messages it still needs to send to the target chain.


This algo is defined using the lock/mint-type Native Bridge protocol, described in MIP-58.This bridge protocol has two function calls :

  • initiate_transfer on the source chain (called by user)
  • complete_transfer on the target chain (called by relayer)

This algorithm is compatible with using finalized blocks (see the remark on L2 complete verification). By pulling only finalized source blocks, the nonce are always updated on finalization.

In this MIP we consider the lock/mint Native Bridge, see MIP-60. We will discuss a single direction of transfer - from source chain to target chain.


The key words “MUST”, “MUST NOT”, “REQUIRED”, “SHALL”, “SHALL NOT”, “SHOULD”, “SHOULD NOT”, “RECOMMENDED”, “NOT RECOMMENDED”, “MAY”, and “OPTIONAL” in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119 and RFC 8174.

!!! . The algorithm is the same in both directions. Hence each algorithm has to be implemented twice. Once for the transfer direction L1 –> L2, and once for the L2 –> L1 direction.

The relayer can get its state from the source chain and target chain. The relayer operates two processes - potentially in parallel:

1. CONTINUOUS_BLOCK_PROCESSING: The relayer pulls transfer events from new finalized blocks from the source chain and processes them. Since we consider finalized blocks and this is a blockchain, new blocks are processed in order. For each transfer the relayer has to check if the transfer is completed on the target chain, and if not it has to complete the transfer.

2. BOOTSTRAPPING: The relayer initiate the event polling at some point in the past. This point is either the genesis, some configurable source block height, or some checkpoint (possibly set on-chain)


On the source chain the following structure is used:

// Source Chain Structure
    nonce: Number,          // Unique incrementing value for ordering transfers
    recipient: String,  // Address of the recipient on the target chain
    initiator: String,   // Address of the initiator on the source chain
    amount: Number          // Amount being transferred

On the target chain the following structure is used:

// Target Chain Structure
    nonce: Number,         // Matching nonce from the source chain
    transferUID: String,   // Unique identifier for the transfer
    recipient: String,     // Address of the recipient
    initiator: String,      // Address of the initiator
    amount: Number         // Amount that was transferred

Locally the relayer stores the following structure:

!!! . TODO should be replaced by ordered list of transferIDs and a nonce list (ordered) and a block height

// Relayer Local Structure
    blocks: [                          // Array of blocks being tracked
            blockHeight: Number,       // Height of the block
            status: String,            // Status of the block (e.g., "processed", "completed")
            events: [                  // Array of events in the block
                    eventUID: String,  // Unique identifier for the event
                    nonce: Number,     // Matching nonce from the source chain
                    status: String     // Status of the event (e.g., "pending", "completed")


The relayer may send a message complete_transfer to the target chain for an event that has the status transfer_pending. This status exists during the time between the reception of the initiate_transfer event from the source chain and the success of the complete_transfer transaction on the target chain. (However, it is possible that a complete_transfer messages is not yet finalized on the target chain, in which case the relayer DOES NOT send a new complete_transfer message, but waits instead.)

The Native Bridge protocol MUST implement the assignment of an incrementing nonce on the source chain. Since there are two directions there MUST be two types of counters (nonces) - one for each transfer direction. The nonce is used to order the transfers.

For each initiate_transfer event do the following:


// Input: initiate_transfer_event from source chain
// Input: target_chain_state - current state of the target chain
SET `nonce` = `initiate_transfer_event.nonce`
SET `transfer_uid` = `initiate_transfer_event.transfer_uid`

// Check if the `nonce` is already recorded
IF `nonce` is recorded THEN:
    IF `nonce.status_transfer` is `transfer_completed` THEN:
    CREATE new `nonce` entry locally and save it in ORDERED_SET.

// note this is note the final state as is the case for most other state reads in this algorithm
QUERY target chain contract for `nonce` in non-final state 
// If `complete_transfer` transaction was sent previously to target chain
IF `nonce` is found THEN:
    IF `transfer_uid` does not match THEN:
        REPORT error and EXIT

    IF `nonce` transfer is final THEN:
        SET `nonce.status_transfer` to `transfer_completed`
        // the status should be `transfer_pending`
        IF `nonce.status_transfer` is NOT `transfer_pending` THEN:
            LOG "error: nonce.status_transfer is not transfer_pending"
        SET `nonce.status_transfer` to `transfer_pending`
        SET timeout for relayer to re-check later
// If no `complete_transfer` transaction was sent 
    SEND `complete_transfer` transaction to target chain
    SET `nonce.status_transfer` to `transfer_pending`
    SET timeout for relayer to re-check later


Next we describe the processing of source blocks and the completion of a transfer on the target chain, assuming the relayer is always online. Since this is a strong assumption, we reduce this requirement in the next section.


// Input: source_block - newly finalized block from source chain
NEW `block` with blockHeight `source_block.height` in `blocks`

// Process each initiate_transfer event
FOR EACH `event` IN `source_block.initiate_transfer_events` DO:

// Mark the block as processed, this 
SET `block.status` as `block_processed`

!!! . Setting the source_block.status as processed and storing that information in a file, or similar, could help with bootstrapping the relayer in the future.

Optimizations to consider errors in the above procedure

This step is optional but should be considered.

Introduce a status transfer_init to differentiate a state between nonce creation locally and sending successfully a complete_transfer transaction to the target chain.


Calculation of Completed Source Block Height

In this section the process is defined to calculate the completed part of the source chain completed_block_height and completed_nonce_height.



IF `nonce.status_transfer` is `transfer_completed` THEN:


IF `nonce.status_transfer` is `transfer_completed` THEN:
    IF `nonce` is not `completed_nonce_height + 1` THEN: 
        SET `completed_nonce_height += 1`
        // the following pruning is required to keep the memory sane.
        DELETE every `nonce` with `nonce` < `completed_nonce_height`
        IF this `nonce` is the last nonce in the source block THEN:
            SET `completed_block_height += 1`
        IF the next `nonce.status_transfer` is `transfer_completed` THEN:

TIMEOUT algorithm

  1. Whenever the timeout of a transfer (which has transfer_pending status) is triggered. Start the event processing.
// Input: timeoutTriggeredEvent - Event whose timeout has been triggered

ON timeoutTriggered(`timeoutTriggeredEvent`) DO:
    // Check if the transfer has a pending status
    IF `timeoutTriggeredEvent.status` is `transfer_pending` THEN:
        // Start the event processing for the triggered event
        RUN EVENT_PROCESSING(`timeoutTriggeredEvent`).
        // If status is not pending, ignore or log
        LOG "Timeout triggered for a non-pending transfer.";

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Next we describe how the bootstrap algorithm works and differs from the above.

!!! . A node that is bootstrapping SHOULD start the CONTINUOUS_BLOCK_PROCESSING algorithm in parallel. This allows to immediately assume normal operation while attempting to catch up with what has been missed.

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The Algorithm differs from the CONTINUOUS_BLOCK_PROCESSING in that it runs in parallel and will catch up with missing transfers eventually. While not hindering the continuous operation of the Relayer. It implements a delay to start at the beginning, which conveniently prevents that complete_transfer transactions would be sent accidentally twice to the target chain (and which if it would happen frequent could turn out to be expensive).

// Start the continuous block pocessing protocol in parrallel to this algorithm
SET `first_CP_block` = first processed block by CONTINUOUS_BLOCK_PROCESSING

// Set initial processed block parameters
SET `end_source_block` = `first_CP_block` - 1
SET `start_source_block` = some INPUT value

// Wait for a predefined time (e.g. 10 minutes) 
// to ensure all relevant blocks have arrived
WAIT for `wait_time` 

// Process source blocks in the specified range
FOR `current_block` = `start_source_block` TO `end_source_block` DO:
    RUN CONTINUOUS_BLOCK_PROCESSING using `current_block` as the source block.

Bootstrap input types

Manual input Based on knowledge of when the relayer stopped, we can inject a parameter about the source block height from which the relayer should start to bootstrap. Default is the genesis or some arbitrary long interval in the past, e.g. 2 weeks.

Reading from local memory In the CONTINUOUS_BLOCK_PROCESSING Algorithm the Relayer can record the height of the source block completed_block_height as described in the Calculation-Completed-Block-Height algorithm. When rebooting or bootstrapping the node, the relayer can start from the last point it left.

Reading from chain The relayer records on the source or target chain (whichever is cheaper) the completed_block_height (see PROCESS_COMPLETED_NONCE_HEIGHT. This can happen infrequent. A separate algorithm needs to be spelled out which records the highest source block, below which all source blocks with transfers are completed.

Considered Alternatives

  1. Use of indexer DB.

This creates a dependency to another component. For example, if the postgres db has an issue, the relayer has an issue. Even thought the relayer doesn’t need the db to process.

Reference Implementation


Needs discussion.



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